First of all let me say that I love that there is a mobile jog wheel so thankyou for that. BUT could you please please please please create some separation between the the z down button and the 100mm button? Nothing like pile driving your brand new amana carve bit through the floor to get your morning started.
I raised this question before but was told there is no room for it. I ceased using the app for that reason.
The "no space" issue is on the main app... I think on the mobile one we have a little more vertical space to play with. Will check today
You should try the latest version... Keyboard Jogging, Continuous Jogging, etc all new stuff. You won't be clicking the screen anymore (;
V.1.0.180 came out yesterday, with added spacing for all elements of the mobile UI: Screenshot at Mobile jog: Vertical Spacing · Issue #90 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL Space between the buttons should allow finger sized touches without accidental clicks - let me know if helped