Parts for the z axis have come in. Time to mount them on the base plate. I think I'm going to buy a pre built 100 mm axis for the xaxis
The steeper motors are nema 34 840 oz. Still not sure about the motion control. I really need cutter comp and a way to measure and adjust comp for dressing the wheels.
Any suggestions that don't require a serial port to control this would be great. (I already had a cnc lathe and mill on linux. Would rather have something a little simpler and don't want to try and find another 10 year old computer. )
NEED ADVICE looking for a usb motion controller for 3 axis 3 limit switches. 2 home switches. 3 position like tool height sensors. A spindle control and 2 relay switches. Any suggestions appreciated. I would like to keep it under 100. But have some flexibility. Also I will be running either mach 3 or mach 4.
Most of the electronics getting laid out. Waiting for a few limit switches and a few other things. Mechanical parts or still on the way
Well ran into a little problem with what I wanted to use to drive my grinding wheels. I planned to remove the motor from a harbor freight angle grinder and mount it with timing gears. When I took it apart the bearing and outer housing are all the handle. Plastic and crappy. I bought a 300 watt spindle and then did the math. 12v for 3000 rpm. 300 watts equals 25 Amps. So new power supply for the spindle is on the way.
Well got a little update. Almost finished with the mechanical parts, time to get on the electronics almost.
Here is a little update. I had some time to make some more parts and pieces. A couple more ops and the mechanics will be done until I add limit switches and home switches.