Are there settings for Arco system and CNC xPro controller? I need settings for X and Y axis belt drive and Z axis 8mm 2-start lead screw drive -> about halfway down, under Machine Settings; 8mm 2 start - use Prusa Calc to calculate steps per mm: RepRap Calculator - Prusa Printers
X and Y axis move 2mm instead of 1mm and Z axis move 6mm instead of 1mm. Steps per mm for X and Y axis are 114.29. Steps per mm for Z axis are 2560. How can I fix this problem?
What is your microstepping set at? 5. Troubleshooting · Spark-Concepts/xPRO Wiki · GitHub For your x and y, your microstepping jumpers are probably off causing it to double. 2560 for the Z is...weird??? Where did you come up with that? According to RepRap Calculator - Prusa Printers at 1/16 microstepping, you should have 1600 steps/mm at 1/8th 800 steps/mm at 1/4- 400 steps/mm. Here is a link to the set-up guide Home · Spark-Concepts/xPRO Wiki · GitHub and on the right a you can find a link to trouble shooting.
Are you sure? The board comes with the default setting of 1/8. With the 14 tooth pulley - which I believe the Acro comes with- at 1/8 you would move twice as far because it only takes 57.14 steps/mm.
That got it close but my steps are off and I need to adjust so it would be nice to know what others are using. For example my X axis if off by 1/2 inch when moving 10 inches