Yes Just set the V+ jumper to 24v, most of those dont work with 5v supply. The input pins onboard the BlackBox has full protection against high voltages and can use 24v inductive sensors without any extra circuitry.
Not to necro this, but since I'm sure others have similar questions, for a 3 wire 5v NPN NO inductive sensor, V+ goes to +, V- goes to -, and do I bridge the signal wire to the V+, or run it to signal? The sensors I'm looking at have a diagram with blue is - and one leg of the switch, brown is +, and black is + and the other leg of the switch on the mfg's diagram. So on the blackbox, blue would go to -, brown goes to +, and black goes to signal or to +? As a secondary question, I would prefer endstops at both ends of an axis. Can I wire both sensors to the same plug for each axis? Nothing against the software, I just feel better having an actual sensor on the far end from the homing side. Using your box and NEMA 23s on a 1605 ballscrew machine for reference. Thanks, Chris
With inductives, wiring two on one input is tricky: Proximity Sensors: Series and Parallel Connection | FAQ | Singapore | Omron IA (To have one on each end) - far easier to get some Xtension Limit Switch Kit instead Signal = the NPN output V+ = 6-36v (Set the V+ jumper if sensor doesn't work off 5v): docs:blackbox:jumper-limitswitchvoltage [OpenBuilds Documentation] GND = V-
I could go the xtension switches, as it's less expensive, and I have to design/print mounts either way. If I went that way, would I effectively tie down both switches for each axis to the same plug?
Xtensions (same as most our custom parts) were designed to be super easy GND on BlackBox to GND on first switch to GND on second switch V+ on BlackBox to V+ on first switch to V+ on second switch SIG on BlackBox to SIG on first switch to SIG on second switch