Not sure if this is the best place to post this or not, but I have mentioned before that it would be nice to have a OB mount made for the Makita RT0701C as an alternative to the Dewalt router. A lot of people seem to prefer the Makita over the Dewalt because it has a larger range of RPMs. I am running the Makita on my LEAD with a 3d printed spacer, however it isnt quite as secure as the mount with no spacer, you really have to tighten the screws. It is another varible to consider when tramming. What are the chances we can get a Makita mount from Open Builds? It is probably easier said then done, but I would think it would be pretty easy to produce, it would just be a slight change in the ID of the mount.
Also check out the 65mm spindle mounts found on eBay. You might need to figure out. Way fasten them to your machine yourself but they’re way beefier than the openbuilds. For OB style I would recommend to if you can fasten them both.
Yeah I found the same ones on eBay that were on Alliexpress but with faster shipping but $15 more. I dont mind waiting a few weeks to spend a little less. I may eventually get a second one, but I can run my current one with the 3d printed insert also. Figured I would wait and see how this one fit before I ordered a second one.
The one I had fit very well. The problems with a single openbuilds is that he contact area at the back plate is narrow and generates quite a big bending forces on the back plate. (It won't bend it enough to deform but the if you pull the router it's easy to make the back plate flex 0.1mm) However, the big ones found on ebay (I.e. 65mm/80mm Diameter Spindle Motor Mount Bracket Clamp fit CNC Router Engraver US | eBay) are a whole different beast. However, you'll have to drill your own mounting holes which may or may not be possible depending on your setuyp.
I made a 3D printed bushing to fill the gap between the openbuilds mount and the makita. I printed it will 100% infill. Here is the file. I also posted the OpenSCAD file so you can modify it to other dimensions. Openbuilds CNC Router Mount Bushing for Makita Trim Router by bsmitty
Do yourself a favor and use two clamps to hold the router and not one. Install them as far apart as possible.
Yes, I got a bit desperate for a Makita mount at the time so imported one from China. It proved to be very good quality, well machined and well finished. Perfect for my Makita.
I bought two of the ones from china. Then I made a plate to mount them to. It is also setup to make it a little easier to tram things.