I updated open builds control software 3 days ago (don't know if this is mere coincidence/I am currently thinking of going back to previous working update) and subsequently started getting limit switches false alarm as seen in the attached image. Please help resolve. I have applied several solution like that on git hub and many others except changing all my cables to shielded type. Note that I am running blackbox on a 1515 cnc router. Thank you
EMI on limit switches can be hard, see the Grbl Wiki for some more wiring schemes: gnea/grbl Or take the easy way out and use our Xtension Limits with onboard filtering, troubleshooting LED and easy to mount package: Xtension Limit Switch Kit
Best to use shielded wiring. If you are going to use those Open Builds limit switches, you will still want shielded wiring - noise can be introduced on the wires. Honestly, I don't think filtering at the switches is that effective as the wires between the switch and controller act like antennas.
Unless its near an HF start plasma or VFD inverter, you shouldnt need shielded wiring. BlackBox also has filtering onboard too