Thanks, but what if you try each in turn, with both disabled theres still two smoking guns (; would be nice if we can drill it down just a little more (is skybox, or is it the realtime position indicator, which one causes the hang)
If you rotate the 3d view around there is an horizon, and then a blue sky above it. Also some nice fog to make the sky look realistic. Totally just eye candy, though it does help you keep your orientation when you look at the 3d view from weird angles, instincttively humans try and reference off an horizon for level
I started having an issue with the jog widget suddenly not working. Specifically, it doesn't connect to the control software anymore - shows everything as not connected, nothing on the DRO, etc. It just started doing this in the last couple days - as late as Tuesday or Wednesday of last week it worked fine. Tried all sorts of uninstall / re-install with windows updates, hardware drivers, changing firewall settings, etc. It finally dawned on me to try a previous version of the control software. I installed version 1.0.190 and my phone connected immediately. I do not know which recent update caused devices to stop connecting, but it has to be one of the ones pushed out over the last week. I'm on a fresh install of Win7 with little updating thus far. Could be just my instance of windows not having the correct updates? If you need any further info let me know.
Thanks for the report, let me see if I can replicate - EDIT: Fixed in v1.0.198 - will be available in update channels shortly - just waiting on Amazon AWS's DNS problem to get sorted so I can push out the update:
Amazon AWS issue seems to be solved, should start automacally updating the next time you run control, or grab it from OpenBuilds Software - FREE Software for CNC Control: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM or
The software "locking up" and stopping responding came back in version 1.0.198. I had to disable the whole 3D Viewer system. I tried to find older version but I can't find it.
you should try them one at a time so we can find out which part it is (; Disabling the whole kaboodle gets you working, but misses out on a debug opportunity Not came back, just still havent found the cause of the problem, so never had it fixed remember (; - we need to find out which one it is! See the changelog if you ever wonder what changed between version: (on the troubleshooting tab in control, or on or on OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL:
I was cutting out parts for a 3D turkey and found out that the cut was not deep enough. I click on "goto zero XYZ" button which displays either work or machine zero XYZ, lower Z-Axis a little bit, and click on "set zero Z" button but that the cut was still not deep enough. How can I fix the problem?
I measured the thickness of the material and added 0.05" to cut depth in VCarve. Why do USA and UK keep on using inch and foot measurement system? OB Control Software uses metric measurement system so 0.05" equals what in mm?
0.05"=1.27mm. Most of us in the UK have changed to metric now, but being old I still use both sometimes for the same piece of material - imperial for large measurements and metric for small. Alex.
1) calibrate your axes (so you are sure Z is moving as much as you tell it to) 2) use calipers to measure your material (so you are sure the material is as thick as you tell the CAM software it is) 3) enter the correct (or correct + a little extra that can go through to your sacrificial spoilboard) thickness in your CAM software (so you are sure that the CAM software will generate the right gcode) 4) Surface your spoilboard (to be sure that you don't have high spots and low spots that makes steps 1-3 above pointless (; False: Just click the right tab:
So, I built an ox like (slightly modified) cnc from all openbuilds parts a couple years ago. My controller was a rando china board from ebay that can handle 5 steppers for 4 axis. I use 4 motors on 3 axis and was able to get some sample mach 3 files to run on a windows 32 box with a true parallel port card. However, my mach3 just doesn't behave. Hangs, gets lost sending gcode lines, all kinds of weird things. I haven't touched the machine in a while due to this. Any chance this openbuilds software will work for sending commands to that board? Would I be better off getting a grbl shield setup? I tried to get grblshield running, but never got the configuration right and never got it to control the cnc. No idea what I did wrong. After many many hours of trying I just opted for the board that worked. But mach 3 is clunky at best and like I said I just can't get it to stay running for very long. Due to that I kinda gave up as all my custom jobs would just jump and lose position and become ruined. Thoughts?
I would replace that controller and Mach3 with: Blackbox Controller BlackBox Motion Control System power supply 24V Meanwell Power Supply Bundle assembly instructions BlackBox Motion Control System installation instructions OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation software OpenBuilds Software - FREE Software for CNC Control: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM test Gcode from to make sure it all works. once you are happy you can continue to use it or move to Vcarve/fusion360/Sketchup for the Gcode generation and if you don't like OpenbuildsCONTROL you can move to bCNC,Candle, UGS or others for the control interface. And everything except the hardware is free (-:
Thanks for the quick response. I'll consider the black box going forward. I already have professional grade meanwell power supplies from other projects, so I don't need another one of those. I have always used fusion360 for my design, gcode, stl's, and 3d printing (I slice with Cura though). I'm somewhat familiar with Gcode commands, but was unable to find specific issues with generated toolpaths from fusion last time I dug into the actual commands. I've heard there is some type of gcode reviewer tool to make sure fusion360 gcode is compatible with grbl machines. Do you know if that is true or necessary if using the blackbox controller you mentioned above?
You just need a grbl compatible post processor for Fusion - see here ;- Fusion 360: grbl post processor install (the easy way) Alex.
I think those instructions aren't quite right for the current versions of fusion360. if I remember my installing the grbl thingus correctly. Maybe there's a comment in there that explains things.
Those instructions seem to match those from Autodesk, as an alternative you can install the post processor locally - instructions here - Alex.
GRBL supports a minimal subset of Gcode and for the codes it does support it follows the 'standard' as documented by LinuxCNC. You can read about the supported codes in the GRBL Wiki. Mach3 will have a similar (but larger) set of supported Gcodes, maybe the Mach3 wiki can tell you about them? I am not aware of a reviewer tool that will ensure GRBL compatibilty. If you use the GRBL postprocessor linked above then the code WILL be compatible. That is, after all, the purpose of postprocessing (-: So, not necessary IMHO. (Though previewing the code is always useful to make sure it is doing what you think you told it to do) The SketchUcam project includes a previewer called gplot.exe that only supports the GRBL codes so if that will not display the code then GRBL will probably not run it. However, it is not a code 'checker' as such, just a previewer with limits (-:
HI, thank you for your post. I have been challenged by the same issue for up to 4 days after moving my workbee to a new location. Could please share the step you took to correct this anomaly? My swie work fine while jogging and not all while homing. Thank you
Post pictures or your wiring (switch and connector sides of all 3 switches) and paste output of Grbl's '$$' command (from Serial Console)