Increase your homing pull off setting as the error suggests. It may not be Z, could be X or Y but the error still needs to be addressed as suggested right in the message itself
Weird issue. I have a macro that I use to set home for either an 1/8" bit or 1/4" bit. I jog the machine over to where I want to start above my touchplate and then kick off the macro. It probes Z first, then Y then transitions over to probe X and probes X.. I'm not sure exactly when this started within the past 3 weeks but now when I kick off my macro to probe Z down, Z goes up! I've never let it run long enough to hit the limit switch but I'm sure it would keep moving Z up until that happens. Now for the REALLY odd part. I found if I jog to where I want to start the macro and manually zero out X, Y & Z before kicking off the macro, the macros work fine. Prior to appx 3 weeks ago, everything worked fine without having to manually zero. Did something change in this last update to cause this? Macro: G38.2 Z-15 F100 G92 Z4 G91 G0 Z6 G91 G0 X-20 G91 G0 Z-9 G38.2 X15 F100 G92 X-11.175 G91 G0 X-3 G91 G0 Y-30 G91 G0 X30 G38.2 Y15 F100 G92 Y-11.175 G91 G0 Y-3 G91 G0 Z6
Nothing has changed - your Z zero was probably just set before running the probe in the past. Probing macros should set zero before moving or move in G53
I just wanted to make sure. Maybe I was zeroing everything before. I don't remember. I'll try adding G92X0Y0Z0 as the first line and see if that works. Thanks for the help!!... again...
From unresolved error now to broken z limit switche. Could someone show me how to use the Workbee cnc router without the limit switches?
Or, just fix your Z switch. It probably just got knocked or ripped while you moved the machine 1) buy new switch and new wire (either could be broken and seems you dont have the skills to test which with a multimeter, so safer just to replace both, its so cheap you might as well 2) rewire with the new wire and switch 3) all working again
soooo..... New to openbuilds CAM and control since I purchased the blackbox. So far a good experience to get things running faster/easier. I'm having a hard time locating some documentation on the interface for CAM and control. For instance: 1.) In openbuilds CAM - what does the "invert" button do at the top of the interface on the CAM page? 2.) I see a bunch of set up parameters in the "firmware" section in openbuilds control - Things like: " 2 limit switches" - set to off, etc how would I switch this to "on" since I have 2 lmit switches on each axis? 3.) I tried the pen plotter as a first test on a custom svg converted to gcode with openbuilds CAM. This forced the G0 Z0 command several times which forced the pen into the material instead of having a clearance distance during travels. I see safe distances in pocket operations, etc. but not in pen plotter. Is that correct? I deleted the G0 Z0 commands and set a work 0 of 2mm above the surface and set the plotter to -2.0mm and that seemed to work well, but that is a bit of an odd work around. Is there any documentation somewhere on what each button and option in CAM and control does?
1) invert your selection (deselects what is selected, and selects everything else) 2) read the entire Grbl wiki at it explains everything 3) our Pen Plotter is designed around the Acro (2 axes machine, with a Servo on the pen - no Z axis) - so disconnect your Z axis or hand edit the gcode. Its designed for Servo use only. No documentation, just play with it its all pretty simple and self explanatory. And of course you are not locked into it. You can use any Grbl software if you dislike ours too
No, but Why? (suspect you are chasing some rabbithole without understanding the role of the websockets in the architecture?)
Even with the 3D View disabled, the software stopped responding a few times and I see "websocket disconnected" messages.
Set your steps per mm manually: See gnea/grbl The formula to correct using any jog distance is: New steps_per_mm_for_that_axis = Current steps_per_mm x Distance requested for the move / Actual Distance Travelled.
Will the edge/corner finder widget be added to a future update? Or is it there and I just haven't found it?
It's coming (soon): See X and Y probing (Community demands) · Issue #79 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL - issue will be closed once its added
funny thing is after creating an optical tool height gauge last week I found that CONTROL does a fine job of probing Z height but bCNC does a poor job unless you write your own macro.
Hello everyone, I finally killed my TinyG V8. It went up in the most glorious puff of smoke it could muster! I have since replaced it with the BlackBox and control software. Could someone post an example of using the relay plug located in the BlackBox at the fuse end? Thanks in Advance Tim
its meant for low voltage use (plasma trigger, LEDs, etc): See OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation for an example For controlling mains powered devices, go for an IoT Relay: OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation
Does anyone have any resources or suggestions on things to consider when converting from Mach3 to the Openbuilds Blackbox controller setup? I guess that I am just a little hesitant since I have never done anything like this before. I would feel better if I hade a guide to follow open in front of me...