Hello all. Currently working on my OX clone and am a bit stuck with my wiring. Where would be best to power the LED ring on the Blackbox controller? I was thinking the cooling port but would like it to be on when the controller is powered instead of software switched. Also, I’d rather not run another line from the aux port on the power supply. I’m not sure of the voltage from the limit switches which I was thinking of piggy backing off of. Also on the subject of limit switches ... can the Blackbox use additional limit switches in the opposite direction of the homing? For instance if I have bad code and it goes & crashes to the opposite direction of the homing switch, can it pause the machine versus grinding the servo motor?
The OB light ring is 24V so it gets wired to your power supply, not the BB. Yes, you can run switches on both sides. Just wire them parallel. gnea/grbl