Hello all, I'm trying to decide between solid and mini V wheels. Why would I go for the full-sized wheels rather than the mini wheel other than space requirements? Do they differ by force distribution, by stress on the bearings given they're different diameters etc?
It really depends on what you intend to use them for. Most of the factors you list are non-issues here simply due to the fact that on the typical systems on the forum the wheels are being used at only a fraction of their full capacity. The only difference I can offer would be through personal experience. I have noticed a very slight bit of play in the bearings of the mini-V wheels. Not enough to turn me away from the but merely enough to make me thoughtful of how I use them.
Thanks, Rick. I'm looking forward to designing a custom 3D printer and I appreciate the compact nature of the mini wheels but since the solid wheels are much more used I was wondering in which direction to go. If this is the only difference that you can think of and they are highly interchangeable in terms of use, why were both designed in the first place?
Hard to speculate on that. But I'm glad they did. I use the small ones where space is at a premium and the large ones where it's not. The small ones are also the only option when you're using the inside grooves of the C-beam.
I appreciate your input, Rick. I will go with the more convenient wheel based on how the design turns out. Best