I am new to WorkBee so please be kind. I just finished building my WorkBee and am using a BlackBox controller. I am running OpenBuilds CONTROL v1.0.205 software, grbl version 1.1g and Jog speed at 200 in/min. I can Home, jog the gantry 3" X and Y directions and set workspace zero for all axis. But if I move/jog the gantry off workspace zero 10 inches and then try to gotoZero, the gantry starts to move then at approximately half way back it stops and it sounds like the motor is binding. The software says it is at 0-0-0 but the gantry is still off zero location. I have tried this in both X and Y directions with the same result. I can jog the machine 10-20 inches at up to 300 in/min with no issues at all so I don't think the gantry is binding anywhere. But it does seem that the gantry moves faster when I try to gotoZero. Being new, I don't know if there is a place to set the speed for that process. I have been able to do a simple carve and the gantry returns to start point with no problems. Any help would be very appreciated. My settings are in the attached file.
Your Max Travel rates are set a bit high for a leadscrew machine, G0 moves run at that speed (10000mm/min as set at the moment for XY, and 2500mm/min for Z)
Grbl Settings tab -> Select the Workbee from the dropdown to load predefined profile Assuming a Workbee 1010: OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL we also do 2500 for all three axes (but that is conservative, you can play with the Jog widget, see how fast you can go before you start stalling, then dial it back say 20% from where it stalled and set the maximum rate accordingly)
Thanks for all your help. That fixed it. Maybe in a future version of the CONTROL software, when you pick the machine there could be another dropdown to pick the drive type and have it adjust the speed accordingly. I have a 1500 x 1000 screw drive machine so I picked the WorkBee 1510 as my machine type. I assume that the X & Y 10000 value was populated during that time as I made no changes to it. Thanks again.
There already is, as I linked above, our profile is 2500mm/min (click on through: OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL ) The dropdown caters for the three flavours available from the Partstore: Machine Bundles - WorkBee - OpenBuilds Part Store 1010 and 1050 = leadscrews on XY and Z 1510 = leadscrew on X and Z, and belt on Y. Our profiles are all setup to get you running with a sane safe set of defaults I don't see mentioned, but which one do you have? 1010, 1050 or 1510?
My machine is 1500 x 1000, all axis are screw drive. I picked Workbee 1510 from the drop down because it matched my size. I didn't buy the machine from OpenBuilds but I bought the Blackbox controller and other things from OpenBuilds.
Ahh OK, yeah sorry, the profiles are for our machines, so when deviating from the standards, you should expect to check things closer and make modifications accordingly. gnea/grbl is a good read!
I agree it was a mistake on my part and Thanks again for helping me. I played with selecting the different machines and watched the numbers change. I am switching from a belt driven X-Carve to the WorkBee and am still in the learning stages.