Been using the Public CAM online for better than a year with great success until recently. As of late, when configuring Tool Paths ..... CNC Path Inside ..... for objects that are rectangular only the top and bottom (X-axis) and left side (y-axis) segments are plotted. The right side (y-axis) line segment is omitted from the displayed tool path as well as the resultant G-Code once generated. This also happens to numbers and letters such as "I" ... "1". This is a new condition and happens regardless whether the shape or text originates from the CAM "rectangle" & "text" inputs, imported .dxf's or .jpg's as well as saved .obc's that worked previously. Trying to figure out if I inadvertently may have changed a setting incorrectly somewhere or if something else is going on. I use the CAM on both MAC and Windows machines with same problem on both. Thanks
Pushed a test-fix, please refresh the page and test again. If its still not working, please include an OBC (workspace export) Thanks!
Well .... all seems to be back to normal. I'll be resuming running various jobs through the day today and will advise if anything crops up. A big THANKS for the help.