I was hoping to find a software compensation solution for backlash in OB control, but no luck so far. Has anyone come up with a way to adjust the anti-backlash nuts without taking half the machine apart?
Before you take half the machine apart make sure the screw lock collars are fully pressed tightly to both ends. If you can grab the screw and move it lengthwise even ever so slightly that'll show up in your work. (Not saying this is your problem but it's always something to check.)
I will check on that, thanks! So reading between the lines it sounds like youre saying i will have to take the machine apart to adjust those? Lol If i do that i think i will install them in reverse with the adjustments facing outward, seems like it should have been that way from the start.
How much backlash do you have? A not-properly-adjusted anti-backlash nut is only out in the order of 0.1-0.4 mm at worst
If my math's correct thats closer to 1mm? Sounds more like loose wheels, or loose lock collars. Easier way: Turn machine off. Grip endmill by hand and give it a wiggle. The human senses can detect movements of minute proportions - so follow the wiggle by hand, pulling and pushing till you find what moves. Tactile approach can help troubleshoot the issue without a teardown.