I'm not seeing any issues with it. If I load it into UGS, OpenBuilds Control and into NC Viewer, I can see in all 3 previews that the z retracts before moving to the next hole. Question, does it not retract at all for you? I'm only asking because 1mm retract isnt that much and if your Z0 isnt set perfectly, there's a possibility that it could not clear the hole before moving. I know you explained the behavior above, but I think it worth clarifying.
Thanks for the reply , found the error and im to blame. I acidentaly ticked some boxes asking me to filter code , all explained in my previous post. And im out of Z travel thats why im only using 1mm as retract height.
Grbl Panel is no longer maintained (last release was Oct 2018). Use OpenBuilds Software - FREE Software for CNC Control: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM instead
Thank you: I have been using the OpenBuild control software with V carve pro and like it alot just wondering if the BlockBox would work with any other controller.
BlackBox is grbl-based. It'll work with any grbl1.1-compatible g-code sender. OBCONTROL is a good simple option, bCNC is great for more advanced use, there might be one or two others as well but those are the two we tend to use around here, I think.
CNCjs and Universal Gcode Sender 2.x Platfrom, close third and fourth in the running. But yes, any Grbl 1.1 compatible host can be used
Of course, UGS. I thought there were at least two more than people have mentioned in passing at some point, but I never keep up with whether they're actually maintained.
GRBL Panel, despite not being supported anymore, works just fine and is pretty well bug free. I was hoping someone would take over the project from Gerrit, but no takers. MG
For those of us that really like GRBL Panel but were saddened by the author backing away from it, there is a new GCode Sender that I think you will like a lot. I've been using it for about 6 months through a number of Alpha releases and the author has now released the first Beta version. Lots of great features and it seems pretty solid at this point. It goes by the unassuming name GCode Sender but it is the best one out there. It is windows only. Get it here. The wiki is here.
By the way, you might also want to check out grblHAL. It is a very high quality port to 32 bit processors. Runs on quite a few. You can get step rates of 200K or more. terjeio/grblHAL