does any one know what jumper I need to use for the blackbox and this vfd? In there documentation there's not an option with the dir/vfd. I have a 2.2 kw water cooled spindle. Does anyone now how I'm supposed to wire the black box to this vfd?
DIR/VFD is a new option on latest run of boards, so sorry, haven't added documentation yet. Most people don't need it (refer to OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation) as most VFDs can be setup to run without an Enable relay. There are odd VFDs the do need a Relay between FOR/GND in this case you can move the jumper to DIR/VFD and wire the Onboard Relay to the FOR/GND signal wires to act as an Enable (M3 sets the DIR pin, which then triggers relay to close, which the VFD can use as an Enable) (But again, MOST VFDs do not need that at all - refer to the 0-10v docs linked above. There is a link to a forum thread with a working setup)