I've connected and tried the XYZ probe form open builds, and I've got a question. It appears to work, but it does not seem to take into account the X,Y, & Z offsets from the device itself. In other words, the zero position is set to the edge of the plate rather than the edge of the stock. How do I set those offsets in OpenBuilds Control? I'm running 1.0.234.
In the Probing Wizard, make sure you set the OB XYZ Probe Plus on the dropdown at bottom-left - it adds the offsets If you are on CUSTOM it uses 0 offset by default, or whatever you configured for the Custom entry. Assuming you set yours to Custom, set it to OB XYZ Probe Plus
When using bits with an angle at the tip (V carving or engraving) is it possible to switch the XYZ Probe to only the Z axis, then eyeball the X and Y?
If I use the XYZ Probe with a straight bit and establish zero, then change out the bit to tapered tip and run only Z axis probe does the X and Y zero remain ?
Yes - X and Y are set at the centre of the bit. I use a 1/4" brass rod to probe XYZ (and then re-probe Z with the bit) . Alex.
I just picked up a VERMONT GAGE (part number911225000) for xy zeroing. Then, like Alex, I reprobe z with the endmill. They are within +.0000/-.0002 inches of 0.250". That way I do not have to worry about flute position when I am zeroing. They are inexpensive and can be readily ordered. Maybe OpenBuilds should add this product.
Unfortunately they don't have the option to search their products by parts number and I couldn't find the product you mentioned.
Thank you for the heads up on using the XYZ Probe with a V bit. I now just insert the bit upside-down in the router, run XYZ then flip bit and rezero Z. My next problem is doing V carving in V Carve. I ran the tool path using a second bit to clear, thus V Carve yields two toolpath files. If I save as one file will OB Control stop and let me change tools (if so how do I reset the new tool zero?)? I tried saving as two files in V Carve (thus allowing me to run as two separate jobs) but do not see a way to save the toolpath files independent of each other.
Check the vectric docs Saving Toolpaths - VCarve Pro V9.0 User Manual For example says CNC machines that require the tooling to be changed manually will typically need a separate toolpath for each cutter used. The procedure for saving this type of toolpath from VCarve Pro is to: Select the toolpath to save from the Toolpath List Click on the Save option and the Save Toolpaths form is displayed. Select the correct Postprocessor for the CNC machine from the pull-down list Click the Save Toolpath(s) button Enter a suitable Name and click the Save button
I've been trying to use my Touch Probe Plus with the interface control but each time I try to run the XYZ probe utility it reports an error that the probe file is not present. How can I get it to work on the OB Interface. I don't like having to take my laptop to the garage to run a cut.
Go through the prep usb drive procedures. The probe routines are will be on the usb drive: docs:interface:prepare-usb-drive [OpenBuilds Documentation]
has anyone had issue with the magnet coming lose, I found it a few time this last time not so lucky. Is an alligator clip a solution?