I have limit switches installed as well as homing enabled and working fine ( comes to the front left when activated) However there is nothing stoping it from going into the rails in the other direction (Y,X). I have enabled Soft limits as I have read this may help but I am still able to put the Z axis into the Y axis rail on the right side. Is there a manual way to set these limits? I have looked through everything and can't seem to find a way to change them. As well, When I am finished a job, the Z axis retracts and the hole system moves to the back right, is that normal and am I able to change where it goes after finishing?
The Grbl wiki is the Goldmine of info you have to refer to: Particularly: gnea/grbl in conjunction with gnea/grbl And also read gnea/grbl to understand the role of Homing, homing direction, etc on the setup Moves during the job comes from your CAM - Grbl is just doing what the Gcode says, look at the last couple lines of the file to see this gcodes. Its usually edited in your CAM application or CAM Post processor) What CAM are you using?