Forgive me for asking the dumbest question ever… the BlackBox AUX1 port meant to send data out of the BlackBox or receive data into the BlackBox? ...or both? If data can be sent from the AUX1 port what is/can be sent? Could I send totally customized G-Code commands out the AUX1 port to…say…maybe a connected Arduino (for various purposes I have in mind)? The reason I'm asking is because I'm building a custom device to which I want to send instructions as the BlackBox controls X/Y movements. This device I'm building is not the normal laser, cutter, etc., etc. It's a unique thing I'm working on with the need to receive custom control messages. Thanks!!!
Its for talking to Grbl (via TTL5v serial, instead of USB) - nothing that Grbl doesnt already support (so no extras) Refer to: gnea/grbl details of serial protocol And OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation for the rest Or if you really want, write custom firmware for the BlackBox (accelstepper library etc) - might be easier than talking to Grbl for unless you prefer Gcode.
Thank you so much Peter!!! I'm tired of messing with Arduino/CNC Shield hassles and want to give a dedicated controller a try. I just need to make sure it can do what I want. I'll look into the information you gave me. Matthew