So, How does everyone else keep the xtensions cable and gigantic extensions connector from dragging this thing off their part? I'm just holding it down by hand hoping it doesn't put an endmill through my hand because the ground caught and pulled itself off the router.
I've only used mine once so far, and didn't have an issue, but if I need to, I'd probably just throw a piece of masking tape over the far corner and tape it down to the working piece.
First time I used the plate it caught the ground on an edge and pulled the magnet off and the spindle tried to journey to the center of the earth. Having drilled a hole in my finger not all that long ago, if the machine makes a funny noise while probing I chuck everything and dive behind my car. I should make an ejector seat for the CNC that chucks me into the yard.
I have forgotten to put the magnet on! I am just glad its made out of metal. I think I tried to bury the Probe into the plate more then a couple times.
The auto probe routine would be better if it touched off on either X or Y first and not do Z first so that if the ground is either not connected or not making a connection the Z drive does not try to position into the plate and strip plastic parts.
I disagree. It uses probed Z position to figure out how far to go down when probing x and y. I've gotten into the habit of lifting the plate up with my hand to touch the bit to verify connection before running the probe. Takes a second.
It has to Z first, the known references are "somewhere above the hole (tells is about where XY is) and then the Z probe to tell us where Z is. From there we need to know how low we can go and with the approximate XY, dial in final XY, before using the hole to measure endmill diameter to correctly set the XY offset. Use the Troubleshooting tab to test your connectivity, and don't forget the magnet (that's why we make you click CONFIRM ITS IN POSITION - don't just click it, actually CHECK it )