Do I need a special USB cable We installed black box and OpenBuild Control says waiting for USB Running Windows 8.1 Can't get passed waiting for usb Unplugged USB then plunged back got passed waiting for USB now we don't have home all Try to jog XYZ makes a lot of noise
Restarted computer now home all is on but must have wired steeper motors wrong because moves in the right direction but jerks and loud noise. Red,Blue,Green,Yellow Could it be something in control settings
Wire colors do not matter, the wires need to be paired properly. If they are OpenBuilds steppers, the color codes should work, but not all manufacturers use the same color pairs if they are not from OpenBuilds. There may also be loose wires causing the problem.
Sorry, I do not know what that means. I have a BlackBox, but the machine it is for has yet to be built so I have not taken the time to read the documentation yet.
Have you checked for loose wires yet? Power off the black box when you do so you do not fry any electronics.
Not according to your description of the symptoms. Sometimes better to post a video, keep in mind we are working off how you describe it. But do see docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] for help on testing wiring. Read it closely.
Firmware not found errors: Classic sign of something wired wrong. Unplug everything except the USB cable and try to connect again. Bad wiring can a) stop board from booting thus no firmware responding. But also b) damage your controller! docs:blackbox:faq-usb-connection-failed [OpenBuilds Documentation]
It never did work right but when it did move the X Y moved in the right direction but skipped real bad and the Z moved in only one direction also skipped real bad. I tripled checked with volt meter that the wires were running to the right stepper motor . I also noticed that the USB light on controller blinking and the 4 stepper motor indicator lights never came on
Again, refer to docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] for that issue. Ignore the color code and identify the coils. Read section 1 at the top of that page too... Thats not what the docs asks you to do. Its not about 'to the right stepper motor' - rather about identifying which two wires have coils between them. Read the link above please, or ask a friend to give it a 3rd party look over after reading the link. All that means is PC talking to Grbl. Rx/tx LEDs. Did mention that above too They only come on for certain faults. - overtemp (check fan, adjust current down) - over current (adjust current down) - undervoltage (check psu) - short circuit (check wiring, but your fault above is the exact opposite. Not a short but rather an open connection)