Completely new to all this, I have a 1510 workbee using a blackbox, I have managed to build and wire up, eventually, and switched it on yesterday, and everything appears to work, however I have tried to "Home it" and all I get is a small movement of Z and then it alarms "homing Pull off" $H any help?? and incase you haven't noticed I am also new to Forums.... Andrew
@Andrew59 started asking me for help on this, but not having a grbl machine or using blackbox or OB control I thought it better he should seek help here. If one of the OB control people pick up on this I'll link you to the conversation. Some things Andrew reported didn't seem right to me (like limit switches going from red/off to green/on - might be a clue to those more familiar with this) Alex. One for you @Peter Van Der Walt?
1) Compare your Limits wiring against OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation > Sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 (which kind of switch do you have) 2) Troubleshooting tab: See if they respond and respond the right way, if they are inverted of the way it should be, refer to $5 in Grbl settings: gnea/grbl
Hi Peter, I am able to see all the limit switches and when I press them they do what I guess there supposed to, I tried to home the machine , first Z went down, so I have changed that however it will not home I get an alarm that says “ Alarm 8. Homing fail, cycle failed to clear limit switch when pulling off, try increasing pull off setting or check wiring. ($H)” andrew
Green/OFF when you don't press the switch, Red/ON when you do? Either its wired wrong, therefore the suggestion above to compare against the documentation, or your Grbl settings is wrong (also linked above) The troubleshooting tab helps you determine that
Hi Peter, I have re checked the open build video, and that show the limit switches sitting in the closed position Green, and when depressed red open, mine sit red on and when pressed green off? I am guessing this is the problem, do I just swap wiring over ie black and red or do I need to inversomthin?
I have inverted $5 and it looks ok and pressed homing and started fine, however Z wants to home down and I have set switch for up how would I change that?
1) is it jogging the right way round (or also jogs wrong)? (Z- brings endmill closer to table, Z+ raises it off the table) : If not, look at $3 (more details here gnea/grbl) to fix the direction the motor spins for both jog/home or 2) it's jogging correct, ... but just homing wrong, then refer to $23 Homing Direction Invert gnea/grbl It's all in the Grbl Wiki, please do yourself a favour and read the whole Grbl wiki for some bedtime reading, its a goldmine of info and really will help you understand the big picture better
Hi thanks for your help I have every thing running in the right direction and have it homing however I have to home it twice because of the max travel, in the settings it has this down as 200mm does this setting matter? if I set it to say 1500 would it make any difference? I have a 1510 set up. Andrew
Yes set it to what your actual travel is... Actual travel isnt 1500...: - put axis at one end of the axis (left, or front, or bottom for example) - zero out the machines (Setzero) - jog the axis till just before you crash into the other end - note the DRO number - thats the actual travelable distance for that axis It matters because that sets Machine zero (if the limit is on the far end of travel, you hit it, the firmware knows 0 is (position of switch LESS max travel)
Hi peter, thanks again I will try that, I am reading Grbl wiki as you suggested, I much say a lot makes no sense at the moment, can you advise if there are any guide anywhere that help total beginners at the moment I feels as if every video or document assumes you understand electronics and or computer code, I can’t even find out if I should use the spindle independently or wire it to the black box, does the water cooler go in the box etc so for a totally new beginners it’s hard to find your way without keep asking what some would consider daft questions.
1) Disable Homing it just confusing for beginners 2) if you are worried about crashes, add another set of 3 Xtension Limits (or 6 if you currently have inferior switches) Xtension Limit Switch Kit and put one on each end of travel. Don't bother with soft-limits and max-travel etc for safety 3) Without homing - Just use Work Coordinates - jog to origin, click setzero. Done I really hope you have the simpler option of a DeWALT DWP611 Compact Router and not a VFD spindle - if you use our recommended combinations things are easy Sounds like a VFD now... Nothing "wrong" with a VFD but if its your first machine, it adds a layer of complexity I think should do without intially. Built up that skillset in chunks. Start with defaults and make changes later when you know why you want to. As it sounds like a VFD, I assume the machine is also not from OpenBuilds? (our machines have detailed videos for every single one) and the Config profiles are setup for the machine as is no customisation needed It will, for sure
Hi peter, thanks again, your 100% correct it is a VFD, when I was considering a CNC, I was told a spindle 2.2kw would be all I would need, also a big consideration was the noise so unfortunately not knowing that is the route I have taken. I am hoping tomorrow to put the travel measurements in and then following openbuild video load and run a simulation if all goes well next step to put the spindle in place with water tank make sure that works and then start reading how to start first job...... I have Aspire so I’m guessing that won’t be easy either.
A bit too heavy. Except maybe on a LEAD1010 with the High Z mod: High Z Mod for Lead CNC Weight causes deflection: Run your spindle weight (plus Z motor, etc) on that X gantry length through How to calculate V-Slot® deflection A "quiet" spindle doesn't help much, most cutting noise comes from the vibrations of the endmill chipping away material, and dust extraction Will help yes, I know that Wiki sound greek at the moment, but honestly its the course of "correct" info, random youtube videos just causes confusion. Lots of vectric tutorials on Youtube - but same as mentioned earlier, maybe ease yourself into a gently easy first job in the form of OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation (quick success builds confidence, makes sure the machine works (then if Vectric doesnt on your first try you know where to look) Parallel if you get those Xtension Limits I linked to (They have onboard noise filters - which you are gonna need... VFDs spit out tonnes of EMI so be prepared for false "limit hit" alarms, and USB disconnects if that VFD is not wired up right: For those with noise issues. The Xtension Limits help a lot, so if you don't have those, do yourself a favour you'll need them)
Ps noticed it is 120v. Is there any other item that is needed to change to a router, e.g I have an 80mm holder , water tank etc so I guess I am asking what other things and needed to get up and running, it may be worth getting one to learn with I can always use it in the garage for other jobs if i progress to a spindle.
It has a 240v cousin, the D26200: Home - Products - Powertools - Sanders, Planer, Routers, Jointers - Routers - 8mm Compact Router8mm Compact Router - DEWALT just check your local hardware stores Dewalt's spindle is a 69mm one so Router / Spindle Mount That's up to you. VFD setup is here OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation (forum links on the bottom of that page covers the two popular inverters) So it's up to you, try with what you have (just be prepared for some headaches) or getting a router to ease the learning curve. There's a saying about jumping in the deep end (; some people like working the issues and find it satisfying when it goes. Or if you don't and would like to make it easy.
Hi. Just an update, I have moved on quite a bit got the cnc up and running even managed to do the open build logo so happy days, I have started to learn Aspire it’s quite deep, managed to design my first sign and G code and that is where I have come to a halt, can you tell me if I can get the 3 G code file all into the black box as one file! I have saved them separately do I hav3 to save them as one file? How?
As Control doesnt support toolchanges, you need to save each toolpath on its own. On the window where you click Save Toolpaths (one before the window where you select the post processor) there are tickboxes to pick the toolpath. See Saving Toolpaths - VCarve Pro V9.0 User Manual
Hi, I finally completed the openbuild logo and also designed and cut a plaque however, I have now for some reason developed an issue with the software, I can only assume it’s the software as I have triple check design. I am using Aspire 9.5 with black box control through openbuild. When I import the Gcode and check job size the X is too big, looking at the simulation dimension it shows it being bigger than designed. Any thoughts or help appreciate Andrew
Post the files if you need us to check it Otherwise make sure you use the Grbl-mm post (older version of Vectric had issues with the Inch posts)
When you reply to this thread there is a button next to the post reply one to upload a file. Click on that, find the file and click on it. Alex.
Hi I emailed Ooznest, and got a reply about Steps per MM, so out of interest I moved the x 100mm and measured how much it moved it moved 125mm I looked at $100, 101 and 102 they are set at 250, should the be 200?