Hello, I recently purchased a used CBeam that is modified to cut 30"x30", it has linear rails and ball screw and Im currently using Mach 3. The Y axis has an upgraded Clearpath servo stepper motor (SDSK-2310 RQN). I am going to purchase the Black Box Controller and was wondering if anyone knows how to wire this servo motor to the Black Box.
BlackBox's focus is on being self-contained with onboard stepper drivers. It does not directly support external drivers. Also not sure if Grbl supports those either, Grbl works with stepper drivers that have Step/Dir/Enable inputs
I’m thinking of purchasing the high torque stepper motor from openbuilds and replacing the see I. Will this solve the problem?
Will the high torque motor have enough power to move the bed on an expanded cbeam that has an bed 30” x 30”