Hi I'm very new with the cnc, and the program that i use is vcarve aspire 9.5. Today I tried to use V-CARVE/ Engraving Toolpath. Everything seems fine in design. The problem is when the bit move from point to point it's touch the material. I’m using this bit. these pictures
Do you have your clearance setting (Z1) high enough? If so, have you checked that after zeroing the Z axis that it goes where it should? In other words just above the work piece and not into the piece.
Th Thank you, clearance Z1 was 0.2 and I made it 0.4 inches and it is now completely not touching the material. Also I changed the “plunge” to 0.4 but I don’t know for what
I would still check to make sure that your touch probe is producing the right results because I use .2 all the time and it works fine. Have you checked the depth of your cuts to make sure they are accurate?
How i can check? Still the result not well. See these pictures please. What I need to change? The bit enter deeply as you see doesn’t like the toolpath especially in the edges.
Zero your axis especially the Z, Use the goto zero button. Check the distance between the work piece and the bit. There should be little or no clearance between the two. The bit should definitely should not be pressed into the work piece. The other check is to measure the depth of cut with a caliper or other suitable measuring device and make sure that the depth is what you intended.
I zeros the axis except z axis because am using Z probe. Do I need to zero the Z-axis even after using the Z probe? I apologize for the many questions I am a bit confused
I understand you are using a zprobe. However, the probe sits above the table or workpiece. The probe senses or thinks zero is at some point above the piece. There has to be compensation to take out the thickness of the probe. That is what you need to verify. The distance subtracted from the probe zero to the work piece is correct. Somewhere a value should be applied to the Z axis to remove the probe thickness. That depends on the type of probe you are using. I have a homemade Z probe. When the bit touches the probe, I have to lower Z setting the thickness of the probe. In my case, it is done in a macro. Yours may be different but somewhere the Z axis has to be adjusted for the thickness of the prob.
So all you should need to do is perform the Z probe operation, remove the probe, goto zero and make sure that the bit is flush with the work piece and not poking into the work piece. To go to zero, use the button in the open controls software.
If you have our probe, our software and made double sure you selected our probe under the Probe Type Drop down then that will be correct. Take the probe off. Click goto Zero (machine coordinates) under the DROs to confirm Vcarve will also cut wrong like that if you specified the wrong V angle of your v bit. Say using a 90 deg bit with a 60deg tool config
Did you set a flat depth? The depth the tool will cut into the material will be controlled by the distance between the edges of your text in an engraving toolpath unless you set a flat depth to limit how far it goes down. The engraving toolpath will, by default, plunge the tool until it is deep enough to touch both sides of the lettering. Alex.
Know it’s work fine! Before I just make a z probe and the other axis I set them a zero by bottom from the software. I thought that I can’t make a xy probe with V bit ♂️
If you do that you set Z too but in wrong place. Use the individual zero commands in the drop down menus next to each axis (down arrow button) if you only want X and Y