if the MPG pretends to be a keyboard and can be configured then you can map its buttons to the keys that CONTROL uses. or you may be able to use software like Qjoypad (which is for linux) to map from the device to keystrokes. QJoyPad Alternatives and Similar Software - AlternativeTo.net
I really like this software, previously using UGS. It would be great to have some options/buttons to jog 2 axis' simultaneous, ie moving X and Y to position. Great job thanks.
I'm coming over from UCCNC and Mach3 and already have a USB Pendant connected to my system. Will I be able to assign the buttons on the Open Controller to use it instead of a keyboard or my Cell Phone?
If you can program it to mimic keystrokes, then yes. Install the software, click on Wizards and tools, then keyboard shortcuts. You'll see a list of what you can control via the keyboard. You can also use your phone to control it. But, in case you dont know, it will only work with a grbl based controller.
Has anyone ever experienced such an error? I run a job today and halfway in the cnc stopped and i noticed this ridicules z axis depth.
You probably had a USB communication problem. Use a good quality and short USB cable, keep power cables away from the USB cable.
Apart from the USB cable, EMI has lots of ways it can affect the system: see docs:blackbox:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation] for a more detailed rundown
Do you have a USB cable/brand you recommend? The shortest I can realistically go is about 6ft. Also, in regards to EMI, should the Blackbox and PSU be mounted X distance apart from each other? Thank you
- shorter is always better - the official USB spec limits all USD wiring to around 1.2m for optimal performance. 6ft is a bit outside spec - good cables have Ferrite cores on one or both sides - you can use a powered hub in between but note longer distance, extra hops, all increase likelyhood of EMI messing with Communications. -keep in mind this is a CNC in a workshop, not a office. Its an extreme environment, dust, vibrations, static electricity gets generated from all the moving and cutting, and dust extraction hoses too. Don't expect what works in an office to work in such an environment. Put the PC near the controller. Rather make longer cables from controller to motors etc
I have these on all of my USB Cables spaced 10" a part. To kill EMI. They work pretty darn good if you didn't use Shielded Cables for your Steppers and Limit Swihttps://www.amazon.ca/stardrift-10-Pack-Diameter-Ferrite-Suppressor/dp/B01C0FMB3Gtches.
Curious, will I be able to create point clouds using the Probe Port? I've been studying bCNC and for all intents and purposes this controller package looks exactly like bCNC except for the 3DWeb GL interface.
Yes. bCNC will scan a surface and save the points to a file. It is setup to use that point file for wrapping flat Gcode around the probed surface so the format is not STL or STEP or any such, but a little php or python or ruby or perl scripting will convert any text file to any other. You may also be able to write a plugin for bCNC that does it all for you, plugins are all in Python.
Not at this time. But you can paste line by line into the serial console while you test something. Otherwise people usually run the job normally