I am a newbie to building CNC machines. I decided to make a Workbee 1010 with the Blackbox controller. Order the Blackbox about a week ago. The build of the Blackbox seemed straight forward. A few nights ago, I started to test out the motors on the Y-axis. The Y-axis and the Y-2 are moving in different directions from time to time. I have double-checked the wiring. I used a multimeter to check for continuity, etc. Also, I checked all of the joints. The motors are from Openbuilds Nema 23 high torque. I just received the black box a week ago. I received the motors this week. Has anyone on the forum had these same issues? Is it possible I have a defective Blackbox? Any help would be much appreciated.
Are they moving differently, at random times? If that is the case, its the classic synptom of a motor where only 3 of the 4 wires makes good contact. Recheck (redo - your joints may look fine from outside) any connections on those axes. See docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] Or are they always moving opposite of each other, for example, on a belt driven machine. On a belted machine you have to invert the second Y motor's direction as shown here: docs:blackbox:connect-nema23-reversed-y2 [OpenBuilds Documentation] If its not a belted machine, and its constantly working incorrectly, check the wiring as well, it might accidentally be reversed (either one coil pair, or all the wires in the connector may be swopped from left to right)
The machine is a Leadscrew. It appears they move in different directions most of the time. I will rewire the motors again and get back to you with the results. Thank you for your help.
Good, yes, for the leadscrew driven machines the color codes are the same order on both outputs. But then either only 3of the 4 connections are making good contact, or the coil pairs are incorrectly identified. Both covered in the documentation above
Peter Van Der Walt, post: 99690, member: 69967"]Good, yes, for the leadscrew driven machines the color codes are the same order on both outputs. But then either only 3of the 4 connections are making good contact, or the coil pairs are incorrectly identified. Both covered in the documentation above[/QUOTE] Hi Peter, I rechecked all the motors wire and rewired the motors. I remove more of the covering of the wire. You were correct about the wiring. It now seems to be working correctly. Thank you for your help with this issue. My new issue is the movement of the Y-axis on one side is skewed. I think this is the v-wheels not being tight equally on the Y-axis. It could be the amount of power each Y-axis is receiving. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Would not be power (one step signal moves one step). But yes, check the mechanical setups. Its only as good as you built it
Hi Peter, I am back. I have checked the mechanical. I am still getting a lag on Y-axis. I have rewired 4 times on Y-axis and the issue still exists. This is what I have done since the last post. 1. Replace old wire with new wire. I have continuity with the new wire. 2. Z-axis and X-axis is working correctly. 3. I made sure that the Workbee 1010 square (X-axis and Y-axis). 4. I made sure all of the wires are in the correct position. Also, all joints are tight and connected. 5. I have replaced all of the nut blocks (purchased from Openbuilds) and made sure they are square. The problem still exists. 6. Switch the joint connector from the motors to the black box. Note. After switching the four-pin connector. The same issue still exist. (Purchased 4 new sets of connectors today. Waiting for them to arrive in a day or two.) The problem change from the left side of the Y-axis to the right side of the Y-axis. When changed back, the issue shifted to the other side. I am at a complete loss. I am using the standard Workbee 1010 setting in the software. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can make a video so that you can see the issue.
I noticed we are also working with you on http://support.openbuilds.com/support/home As per the last email over there, we followed up with the question: You did mention you can take a video, would be good to get some eyes on it. A broken stepper driver does not "lag" - it stops working completely. Waht does cause "lag" as you describe it is a) intermittent wiring break (motor stops spinning for a bit) b) mechanical (a loose shaft coupler for example: motor spins, but leadscrew does not) c) settings (too high values for gnea/grbl and gnea/grbl ) Video might explain your problem better though, hard to confirm from descriptions: For example what does "lag" mean Does one motor spin at a different RPM? Does one motor stop spinning? Does one motor/leadscrew appear to start moving later than the other? Does on motor not react at all?