so. just turned on my cnc for the first time in a few months. Control is showing the Z axis limit is always triggered. i thought i may have a short so i pulled the wiring out of the Blackbox for the z limit switch completely and it doesnt go away. Am i missing something stupid here??
ha, i had to go remind myself, but they are normally open. which case, if i unplug the z limit cable from black box all together (if a switch is bad) i should see a change in the z limit status (in the Control trouble shooting page) no?
If the Z switch is normally open, removing the plug from the controller doesn't change the state unless the Z switch is already closed.
I should see a change though if i pull the plug on the zlimit and manually short it out at the board ruling out a switch or wiring fault then. which it is constantly showing the limit is triggered regardless. X and Y limits function fine, just the Z is stuck in the triggered position. i tried inverting the limits in grbl just to see if anything happened and no. im wondering if its that something is jacked with my blackbox? hoping not. or is there a 'master reset' i can do that might solve this?
right now i have the zlimit switches completely out of the equation. I just have the connector with 2 short wires connected so i could just touch em together to trigger the change and see Control would show change on the troubleshooting page.
i'm sorry, after re-reading my post i should have said: "I just have the connector with 2 short wires connected so i could just touch em together to ATTEMPT TO trigger the change and see IF Control would show any change on the troubleshooting page." which it does not. i can not get rid of Z Limit: ON no matter what i do. whether the switches are connected and manually triggered, or if its just got a small pigtail coming out and i just touch em together.
Weird one. Any aluminum machining lately (chip landed inside the BlackBox?) check for shorts around the connector on the BlackBox. From the connector it goes through a protection diode and then an RC noise filter before getting to the Microcontroller, nothing much in between that could go wrong
negative, i've never had anything but wood on it, the controller is mounted to the underside of the table so to keep anything from falling on/in/around it. i assume that is this portion of the board? i guess i'll pull it down and see if anything looks awry inside at this point.
ok, so get this, i pop the cover off to just take a look in there and all of a sudden, the z limits green. i dont get it, but it seems to have fixed itself. i dont get it, its not like the thing is all dusty inside or anthing. but.. halleluiah i guess. LOL
Lucky indeed! Might have been a spec of dust or something sitting in just the wrong spot. Glad it going again! Happy machining
interestingly enough, i just had it happen again and it seemed that restarting the Control software fixed it. not sure why only the Z limit was affected. but what ever i guess.
Will check the pin-check code for you, see if there is a bug. But havent had other reports about that yet.
ok, so it seems im not out of the weeds yet with this issue. the Z limit is stuck on once again and is not going away after a software restart like previous i've disassembled the controller and inspected for any debris etc inside of it, nothing but some dust, which i blew out and reassembled and it has not solved anything. the only way i have been able to use my machine is with the limit switches disabled which honestly i am not super hot on because, A, part of the reason i build this larger machine was to include limit switches etc and B, the project i ran completed and then the machine slammed itself back into the corner, fortunately i was there to hit the E Stop to stop from futher damage. im beginning to think that maybe there IS something up with the controller!?!?
and while you wait on them, you are using the good switches right: ?
i will check in with the contact us form. i admit, i am not using the xtension switches. how ever i've used the machine with my switches error free for some time. i did however order an xtension switch for the z the other day, granted i dont know if that would clear up the issue at this point.
Have you had word from the store yet (check spam folder too) if not, do a follow up please so they can get you a new one out shortly
yeah i heard back from them the other day, i reported back to them this morning with the new info after the xtension switch installed.