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Hi, congrats on your build. I've been looking at building one, and was wondering, leaving labor aside, what would it cost ballpark to build one of...
Don thanks for pointing out where the load is being applied. You are correct. You are not applying preload this way. You should be able to load...
Sorry , should've been more clear. The bolt can take 4 Nm. It is designed for it. The bearing on the wheels are the problem. If you do some...
I did some analysis on the wheels and although the bold can take 4 N-m because of the axial load you don't want to go over 0.4-0.5N-m. Haven't...
Hey indie, pretty nice. Do you mind sharing overall cost for the build. Thinking on doing something similar but would like to get myself...
Excellent add on. Any chance you could post the files in a more friendly format like step or solidwroks? Thanks