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Nevermind. The issue fixed itself.
First-time power up today and everything worked as expected. I played with the servo and it worked fine. Generated new firmware for the coreXY...
Brian Beebe submitted a new resource: XYZ Touch Probe Holder - A tray for the touch probe with 5x40mm hole pattern for mounting [ATTACH]...
[ATTACH] Mounting holes are for 5x15mm flat head screws. Hole patter supports open rail and T-slot nuts
So far so good but haven’t used it much.
Brian Beebe submitted a new resource: Gantry Plate and Verticle Table for OX XL - A verticle table for milling ends of stock for joinery I have...
I have my OX XL on a cart with an open bottom. The waste board is about waist high. This gives some verticle room for stock. [ATTACH] Here is a...
$4 = 1 worked for me. Using xPro CNC, GRBL1.1 and 24V PS. Symptoms: All the LEDs by the drivers were turning off and no movement happened when...
ncDisruptor CAMotion CAMOcean (CAMO for short?)
Works well but still a work in progress.