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yeah if it was 80 tonnes, first thing on my mind would be the Y skipping. as it is though its fine, i don't really plan to run it with an...
nope, in fact the opposite , it can go even faster than stock. i just have tuned the motors yet since the weight is all carried by the linear...
apologies, fixed.
so far so good, haven't decided what to do about clearance if redo end stops to keep Z height or lift table up a tad, or just leave it at this...
yeah luckily moving a circuit board and power supply a short distance is a very very small rabbit hole. an ounce of prevention, and all that..
we do extensive testing with automotive ECUs, board warpage is obviously the worst contender. but solder joints can weaken with excessive...
heh yeah i made my wires longer. but yep been there.
I'm definitely planning to move my tinyg away from the frame, there is no conformal coating on it so metal chips would be real bad, same for the...
yeah i just used sketch, then did dimensioned sketches, push/pull etc, and it all just fell into place. nycnc was the one that got me into it [MEDIA]
Fusion 360 is really great, took to it like a duck to water i'd struggled a bit with solidworks. its nice that it has tinyg/grbl support built in...
the maytec looks like it'd also need the cuts to be square as well. a machinists square and some tee hole joining plates will help square it a...
added the other two trucks, using 075" precision spacer clears the Y C-Beam, but i still have to mill out a channel for the end plates. [IMG] [IMG]
thanks! 3/8" would be fine, i've been considering dropping the size down to get some more Z, same for the 1/2" MDF spoiler, my plan is to...
strange, google+ must have changed policy. i've been linking them link that for a while. ok fixed, guess i'll have to go back over all my posts...
hmm maybe ? , i linked them straight off the googles (cropped them a bit). they're on my HAD project log too which automatically resizes them a...