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Another issue I've had is that I find it difficult to set the z axis home position ie when the bit is touching the material. I have been doing...
Hmm I don't think it was the vac - I was using a combination of cable ties and holding it! Plus there is a bit of play in the dust shoe anyway....
Back on the CNC mission after quite a long absence. I've made a reasonably effective dust shoe and I seem to be able to cut stuff without setting...
No actually the pulley was slipping! When I took the belt off and checked again I spotted it. Thanks alot. Until next time!
My first though was the pulley but I checked the grub screws and they seemed fine. On closer inspection there seems to be no slipping there. It is...
I've got a bit with an 1/8" cutter, plus I've tightened the belts up but I've notices some anomalies. Can anyone help me identify the cause?...
Actually it was a 1/4" bit (6.35mm) - I got confused.
Here are a couple of cuts I've done with my machine just to test it out. Its a bit of a learning curve! I've been using a downcut 2 flute 8mm bit...
I've done a couple of cuts now and everything seems to be working. Probably need some fine tuning - not sure yet. I need to learn how to use it now!
Slowly I edge towards the target...... I spent a while getting the GBRL settings about right and then set about doing some drawing. Before I...
One of the wires had popped out of the terminal block. DOH!
Hmm bit stuck. Frame is square. I marked the pulley and the belt isn't slipping - the motor is just juddering and not moving the carriage. If I...
Well, not got to the cutting stage yet but just doing some tests with a Sharpie attached to the router mount. I'm just using the jog arrows in...
Ok so I bypassed the fuse with a thin part of the wire and moved my fire extinguisher and an old sweatshirt a bit closer. That got the steppers...
Back from Portugal now and received a new cnc shield whilst I was away. I tested each of the drivers in the x axis of the shield and using GBRL...