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Hi Adam I have ran short on funds and was unable to continue. I will post more when I can restart the building process. Thanks for your interest.
I got my frame brackets partially machined and set in place, bearings attached, and loosely assembled. The frame slides very nicely but weights a...
I have not gotten that far, but Val may be able to help. I just got the remaining parts I have been waiting for. I should be able to put the...
Hi Val, thanks for the information. The smoothie board can handle all those motors without any overheating issues? Also what about the firmware,...
Hello, I just got a Rambo board and LCD. I also pick up the aluminum bed plate and some more bar stock for the brackets. I went with 1/4" bed...
There are many ways to go. I like this design.
Are you familiar with the Rambo or AZTEEG X3 PRO boards?
Hey Steven, This is the reason why I want to use (4) steppers on the z-axis. A 3/16" plate is around 35+lbs + bearings, and all the other frame...
Thanks for the information, I don't have a lot of expertise in electronics, but I am talking to someone who may be able to help me. I will look...
Thanks Steve, I hope to get them custom made and divide the bed in half using two heaters. How familiar are you with boards?
Pending Parts List 1. 45x45 heavy wall aluminum extruded fame 2. Custom made 6061 aluminum frame brackets using 8mm bolts to hold it all together...
Greg Heffner published a new build: I need a large build plate without spending 10-20k for a "store" built printer. Read more about...