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So some more pictures... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] @Kyo I've been thinking lately that I would love to get...
Just wanted to post some pictures of what I've been working on lately. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
On the left side viewing from the front of the machine I have a corner bracket that uses one of the holes that is threaded for a possible stepper...
Yes I have a few clamps that are now an inch or so shorter than when they started. You can see that I lost clamping completely on one side in the...
I'm using a Bosch Colt so I can't say for a spindle, but if you look at my build you will see I used this wire all over in my controller.
So I have been slacking on posting here....but not of making wood chips and broken clamps!!! This will just be a picture fest, hope you guys...
Check out this forum post, I cover it there.
This is what I used when I was hooking up from my drivers to some NEMA 23 steppers. Wire on Amazon.
In Inkscape select your text then go to Path > Object to Path. You do this for basically everything except for when you bring in images such as...
My understanding is the only major difference between GRBL 0.8 and 1.1 is there was a pin change involving the Z limit switch and spindle control....
The other night I was looking on Pinterest and came across a few cool things that I would like to make. While on there, the future wife saw...
@shelbylewis I have to say I find this design very sturdy. I need to stop being lazy and surface my spoilboard, that will fix my only inaccuracy....
@GinoTheCop sorry it took so long, but here is a quick video of me moving the router around using the Xbox controller and also triggering the...
I should be able to record something later this afternoon/evening.
So today I was playing a bit more with F-Engrave, this time with the image side of the program. Basically you open a black and white line drawing...