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Of course this all makes sense, but my question would be that given the perf board is 3/4" MDF, why not simply mill the surface of the whole perf...
This is interesting, just can back to the forums with a Z-axis issue, not sure if related. My Z-axis (on large-ish double-belted Ox with high...
$I returns 0.9j.20150811 - the version for which Strooom was written, apparently. UGS is version 1.0.9. To be clear, the machine homes...
David- Thanks so much for your replies. I downloaded and tried Strooom GRBL post-processor. Still shows errors - the same errors. In looking...
Ok, great, will try Stroom. Code is below - very simple code to start, cutting a 180mm doughnut out of 5mm plywood. Thanks very much for the...
Hello- Have just finished a build, am using Fusion 360's CAM module to generate generic GRBL that simulates fine. When run, Universal G-Code...
Building a 1000/1500 Ox, and today was attaching the 1000mm 2060 Y crossmembers to the Blue Ox plates I ordered, and discovered that the V-Slot...