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Hi, I’m using standard stepper motor from openbuilds. I’ve got them in the full mechanical package of the ox cnc. Motors are not getting hot, so...
It should be ok but I’ll check it again. Thanks. I was wondering that could be something current related. The strange thing is that the motors...
Yes, if I run a job the output is dimensionally correct. That’s the point, it seems no microsteps implemented. What could be the reason? What...
Hi, I’ve checked and wheels seem to be ok. What is really making me crazy is the jog behavior: setting a jog x and y step of 0.1 mm results in...
Hi here below my grbl settings. just for the sake of completness, I've checked: * belt tensioning * motor driver currrent * drivers cooling...
SOLVED - end of this message hi, I have an ox cnc machine assembled and I’m having issues with both x and y axis. Basically when I run a job like...