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thanks for your response, hope they can fix it soon!
I would like the flattening wizard to turn on and off the vacuum but I cannot see how this can be done.
You hit it on the spot! the $30 $31 values were off - I do not know why, I did not change them. But when I changed to range it now works! THANKS!!!!!
Thanks, you guys are great! This is what make Openbuilds worthwhile.
I figured it out! The problem is related to the 'final rest' position in the post processor. This position is included in the cutting size.
I updated my Post processor to V1.0.30 I was using V1.0.29 You were correct - the CONTROL SIZE does include the final rest position. I assumed...
I did some more testing. I use a Makita router not a spindle. the M3 works but not with the S command. Even if I turn the router on it will turn...
The flatting wizard is nice BUT it does not turn on the router or vacuum. This is a great disadvantage since I need to connect the router and...
I have made several projects with my new black box - all great, but this one g code file reverses the x and y axis for some reason! I have checked...
I have loaded several g codes and done several cuts and the CONTROL SIZE has always been wrong. It always assumes the x axis is 10 mm negative of...