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i could but i want to make a bunch of 80% lowers over the summer to sell, and yes it is legal if you leave 20% of the lower to be completed it's...
lmao so i guess if i were to reprhase my question what drivers do i need to build that ^
no the ghost gunner is crazy awesome i looked at it months ago but there is tons of negative media associated with it, not that i actually care...
yeah i did have a look at the ghost gunner one but i think i build myself for less and i'd rather build it myself anyways so i know how everything...
dang alright well thanks for all the feed back everyone :)
i'm not making a industrial cnc machine or anything massive so i don't see how i'd lose m hand or anything haha i'm building something similar to...
this is what i'm planning on making i'm going to be making 80% lowers for ar15's and as far as...
what are you routing - 6061 aluminum what size machine - X- 15'' y-15'' z-20'' do you have the machine designed yet- no but i'm probably going to...
hi guys so school just got out and i'm going to build a cnc machine i'd like to finish it within 2 weeks. i'm wondering which driver board i...
hey man this looks awesome ! could you tell me the dimensions and cost of the build thanks :)
awesome thanks :)
btw would it be worth buying a arduino starter kit kit to familiarize myself with some of the basics
that looks like a good kit :) could i use that with a cnc machine or is it exclusive to a 3d printer ?
thanks for all the feedback broski i really appreciate it :)