Recent Content by Martin Fooks
Uploaded by: Martin Fooks, Feb 7, 2016, 0 comments, in album: Kolossel Delta - Testbed Printer Build
Top and bottom married together.
The base of the main printer is 2mm thick, Stainless Steel plate..... Remind me never to do that again. ;-)
Uploaded by: Martin Fooks, Feb 7, 2016, 0 comments, in album: Kolossel Delta - Testbed Printer Build -
300mm glass looks pretty small
The printer is capable of printing bigger than 300mm but for it's role as a test mule, this 300mm glass will be fine.... A 300mm heater element is...
Uploaded by: Martin Fooks, Feb 7, 2016, 0 comments, in album: Kolossel Delta - Testbed Printer Build -
How big?
The lower 1000mm will be for storage of filament etc. And the whole thing is on wheels.
Uploaded by: Martin Fooks, Feb 7, 2016, 0 comments, in album: Kolossel Delta - Testbed Printer Build -
It's upside down
This was the trial fit of the ceiling. I wanted to have the electronics at the top of the printer, rather than close to the heat-bed.
Uploaded by: Martin Fooks, Feb 7, 2016, 0 comments, in album: Kolossel Delta - Testbed Printer Build -
Starting to look more like it.
The printer will be fully enclosed but here I have just trial fitted the front and rear panels. the sides and middle of the front will be see...
Uploaded by: Martin Fooks, Feb 7, 2016, 0 comments, in album: Kolossel Delta - Testbed Printer Build -
Network indicator
There is a WAN RJ45 at the rear, an RJ45 network interface which will be installed at the front and wifi.
Uploaded by: Martin Fooks, Feb 7, 2016, 0 comments, in album: Kolossel Delta - Testbed Printer Build -
The main frame, the right way up
There is plenty of room in the top compartment, for all the printer electronics.
Uploaded by: Martin Fooks, Feb 7, 2016, 0 comments, in album: Kolossel Delta - Testbed Printer Build -
The printer farms houses it's own network switch with wifi and 4 ports. There will be a Raspberry PI with 7inch touch screen and AstroPrint plus...
Uploaded by: Martin Fooks, Feb 7, 2016, 0 comments, in album: Kolossel Delta - Testbed Printer Build -
The core frame
This photo shows the core frame assembly using 1000mm chromed rods, CNC Aluminium corner, 400mm Carbon rods with wires for the effector run...
Uploaded by: Martin Fooks, Feb 7, 2016, 0 comments, in album: Kolossel Delta - Testbed Printer Build