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I've confirmed that EstlCam can "see" and flash the BlackBox, so I think so. I'm still working on getting the inputs and outputs all sorted out,...
I have been generating my G-Code with EstlCam since I first built my C-Beam. For the projects I've been doing, it has worked very well. I've not...
I've cut the exact same 0.25" aluminum with the same bits, feeds, and speeds number of times, just thought I'd try the tape and CA after watching...
What brand/type of tape did you use? I tried cutting some 1/4" 6061 the other day and just made scrap and broken endmills because the tape allowed...
Tried this with some 1/4" thick 6061 aluminum the other day and unfortunately wasn't successful. The workpiece never let go, but the two layers of...
The drill tap should work. I tend to use mine on plates and thinner stock. I use a spiral point M5 tap to tap my extrusion and thicker plates. I...
Size-wise? I don't really have a suggestion, it all comes down to the intended use. In my case, I am not sure I need a work area much larger than...
Yeah, I don't see a solution for that.
If it is all backwards, I think you just need to check the "reverse direction" box in the USB CNC Controller setup. Otherwise, I don't see a...
A bit late to the party, but I use and like Estlcam. So far, I am only running my C-Beam with it, and so far, the errors and issues have all been...
My order's been placed, can't wait to get these. I've got three builds coming together slowly, two routers and a printer, and I can see a lot of...
They're imported NEMA23s, 179 oz-in / 2.8A / Bi-polar if I recall. Got them on EBay. I'm not running them at anywhere near their rated amperage,...
I run my C-beam with a Protoneer Pi CNC hat and a Raspberry Pi 3. I bought stepper drivers from Panucatt Devices, I think I am using the SD6128. I...
At least you're using inches, not pixels... I can work with inches. Thanks for the clarification, and thanks for sharing your efforts.
Nice work! Are the SVGs in inches? My CAM package pulls the file in OK, but I think I have the dimensions messed up.