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I'm very impressed with your work and the details you offer. You are certainly a significant contributor to the forum. Wow, very impressed with...
Julius, Would be interested in your experience with Chinese suppliers, i.e., how you qualify the supplier. Thanks,
O. K., so I'm not totally all-wet. Thanks, GrayUK.
Hello, Folks, What am I missing? I see the care, technology, enthusiasm, and COST related to “builds”. Great care is taken to be precise...
Thanks to all the above for your help and advice. David, I'll be sure to go to NY/CNC. JustinTime, it's nice to have a kindred spirit; and I...
I have been working toward learning Fusion 360 with great difficulty. The Autodesk and YouTube video tutorials are overwellming for a beginner....
Thank you, Dominic, Great answers to my questions. Very complete and insightful. I appreciate you taking time to go through the details. This...
Thanks for sharing your work. Great job. You have certainly put in thought and design in your work. I've been studying on what spindle motor to...
Steven, You deserve much credit and thanks for you dedication and willingness to share your build. You are a testament to the OpenBuild concept....
rpagewood, I see you are using rack/pinion presumably for precision, yet you have it driven by belts. Care to comment on this pairing? Why not...
rpagewood, I like your design, especially the rack/pinion. Seeing the design in Fusion 360 is also great. I'm trying to learn Fusion, but it is...
"The first was a MDF design and the second was a Shapeoko. Did not really like either of those designs so I started my own." Please tell the...