Hello Does the black box controller or the O B software allow manual Data input? I was looking for it and was unable to find it, Thanks
I just went to check and attempted to manually home the machine with "g53 x0y0" and the machine went to the diagonal opposite of home?,, is this correct or incorrect if its wrong , what could the problem be
Pretty much correct yes for the command you sent. (though Depends on Grbl setup. Have a read through gnea/grbl to understand) Oh and that is 'send to x0y0 is machine coordinates' not the right command to home... Refer Grbl Wiki once more (do go and read the wiki, all of it, you will learn a lot) about the Homing command $H gnea/grbl
Hi Peter and thanks again,, Question are the commands in the control software customizable. I was thinking about creation a button to perform a function
That's what Macros are for Do a little exploration of the application - feel free to click through and play a bit so you learn more about it all
Thank you Peter, This is all new territory for me, I appreciate your help and guidance ,, In playing with the machine and its movements when I perform some functions the numbers at the X Y and Z "DRO ",s do not indicate the machine is moving, yet it is