I get an email whenever there's a new or updated build in the CNC section, and the email starts with a link to the project. This link is always bad. Always. For example, the latest link I got was http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/2x4-ox-with-vac-table.1270/post-permalink which does not work. If I delete the "post-permalink" it works.
Hi MTO, I just tried it and can confirm that 'post-permalink' should not be in the link. Thanks for reporting the problem, this looks like a job for Mark to resolve. Tweakie.
Just an update: there are two instances of links to the article in the emails. The first is near the top of the message body, the anchor text is the name of the article, and is still a bad link. At the bottom is a "view this article" button, and it is fine.