All - I want to share a story that details the impeccable level of service by the OpenBuilds team. I recently noticed that I was missing a link connector from one of my drag chains. I sent OP an email to ask if I could purchase only the link. Instead of waiting for their reply, I ordered a small length of drag chain to pull a link off of. The following day I received a message back that they would be happy to send me a link. I thanked them and explained that I went ahead and ordered the drag chain. Without my asking, these guys intercepted that order, pulled the drag chain off that order and replaced it with the link that I was missing. Free of charge! Now, they could have very easily called it the day and banked my little $7.99 as their sale. Instead, they went above and beyond, as they ALWAYS do. Customer service (after the sale) is so important. These guys GET IT! Thanks OPenBuilds!
Companies that provide this kind of customer service will survive and flourish. My money is on openbuilds for the future