Can I use a 24Volts power supply for nema17 stepper with a SKR v1.3 32 bit board and A4988 motor driver modules
Yes, the SKR according to the specs (at least the BigTreeTech page) will run off 12 to 24 V, and the A4988 will run from 8 to 35V.
Hello, can I use tmc2100 drivers with cnc shield v3 on top of arduino uno, and nema 17 motors? I have drv8825 drivers...can i get quiter joging cnc with tmc2100 drivers?
The cnc shield v3 is an an obsolete Chinese knock-off of the Protoneer board. The pin-outs are not accurate after GRBL 0.8. If you really want to use a cnc shield, you can get a current cnc shield 3.51 that has the correct pin-outs from Protoneer here Protoneer | eBay Stores or for more information on how to obtain it: Arduino CNC Shield – 100% GRBL Compatable As for the Trinamic drivers, I would assume they would be quieter.