hi firstly great work with the black box. after months of faffing with an uno the black box is pure genius for a realtive cnc simpleton. my blackbox is running a quenbe pro 1000 x 1000 and generally its mustard but i have recently encountered what i can only describe as buffering by black box control and only toward the end of the job. its doesnt seem to matter what size the job is, anything from 2 hours long to 15 minutes and the end of the job, control is very laggy and unresponsive. on bigger jobs involving a tool change i have to restart control re home the machine and then re zero which is a hassle. i say its at the end of the job when it may be as soon as the job starts but i have no need to interfere mid carve and it does not affect machining. if i jog the machine when a job has finished it can take 20 seconds for the machine to move after the command is given. ive disabled the 3d viewer but that hasnt seemed to make any difference. using a windows 10 tablet. any help would be appreciated. cheers
i was hoping you weren't going to say that. okay thanks for coming back so quick. first real job run today, no false triggers of limits, easy control of spindle and feed, cracking bit of kit that blackbox. cheers