I want to build a large ender style printer with dual idex. I think it can be done fairly easily but just need some advice on frame work. Such as stroke for the bed and size of stepper motors. I am a newbie at this. I need the challenge and that's why I'm attempting it.
Depends on what style of ender you are looking to replicate. Ender 3 bedslingers might be a bit large, but a ender 5/6 style might work. Are you sure you are looking for a bed size that large? 400mm cube is alot more manageable while still getting a bigger build volume than the ender series (I beleive).
Ender 5 style yes, Ender 3 or any bedslinger design, no. if you want to go big. I recommend you look at a fixed bed design. consider this design/system exocube-printer - ExoSlide