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Homing / Machine Zero - GRBL settings

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by monkmartinez, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. monkmartinez


    Jan 16, 2019
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    I know this has been asked a bunch, but everyone has different setups. I have my homing switches mounted on the right rear of the machine. When looking at the front of my machine, it homes toward the rear right corner as illustrated here.[​IMG]

    My problem is the axis are inverted from a strictly numbers point of view. That is, when I type $H X and Y move toward the right rear and Z moves in positive direction. The issue is that moving away from home, the numbers are positive instead of negative in CNCjs and other control software. For example, when I move the machine from 0,0 (machine home) along the X-axis, the numbers increment as positive numbers as it moves left. I believe these should be negative with machine zero being back right.

    Consequently, my probing macros were backwards, so I rewrote them to move correctly by changing all negatives to positive and vice versa. Then I made a file Cut2d with Datum in lower left and touched off on the probe setting work zero. When I pressed play, the machine moved the opposite direction from the where it should be as the datum for the work piece was front left corner. (basically, it is backwards from what I can tell)

    I looked at the G-Code file and the numbers G0 and other moves were positive increments. If they were negative, it would have been in the correct place I assume. Before I make a bunch of changes, I would like some opinions as a sanity check.

    1. Do I need to invert $Homing/DirInvert or $Stepper/DirInvert or both?

    Current GRBL Settings that are relevant:
  2. sharmstr

    sharmstr OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 23, 2018
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    Forget about homing and all the other things you've mentioned for a minute. The first thing you need to do is set $3 correctly so that all axis move in the correct direction when jogging. If you press X+ is should move to the right. If you press Y+ is should move away from you. By your description, it sounds like you need to invert X (and possibly Y but you didnt mention jogging Y). Once jogging is going in the correct direction, then you can set $23. By the sounds of it, you'll end up with $3=3 and $23=0.
    monkmartinez likes this.
  3. monkmartinez


    Jan 16, 2019
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    Thank you Shawn… Y+ has the machine coming towards me. Z+ raises the spindle off the table.
  4. sharmstr

    sharmstr OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 23, 2018
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    I suppose we should clarify what type of machine you have. Does the spindle or the table move? If the spindle moves, then Y+ should move the spindle away from you. Z is fine.
    monkmartinez likes this.
  5. monkmartinez


    Jan 16, 2019
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    I have a workbee clone that I recently finished assembling. I will be home in two hours... Hopeful that a simple dir inversion is all I need.
  6. monkmartinez


    Jan 16, 2019
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    You were dead on. I have the machine homing and running in the correct orientation. In the process, I changed $2=3, $3=3, and $23=0. Everything is working as it should.

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