Hello all, This morning I restarted the machine and had to use a 1mm bit. When I tried to enter that into the probe sicle the bit was not accepted. Now I first had to probe with a 6mm bit, then let the router come up, exchange the bit for a 2mm bit, then probe the Z again and only then could I get to work. Is this the right way or am i doing something wrong? Bert
I just ran a test and it worked for me. Can you explain why it didnt work? Screenshot maybe? What probing cycle were you using; Automatic or XYZ zero?
Hi Shawn, Thank you for your response. I tried to run the XYZ probe this morning but I couldn't enter the 1mm into the field. Later I thought maybe I should enter these bits somewhere but now that you did I will try again tomorrow and if it doesn't work take a picture or video of it. I only recently bought the probe so it could be just me of course. I'll report back tomorrow how it went. thanks Bert
Hello shawn, I did that and I also tried it with 2mm, only at 3mm the number appeared. I'll try again tomorrow. thanks Bert
Hello Shawn, Okay, I see. then I must have done something wrong. I am very new to this. I've always done it with the paper method but now I wanted to go a step higher so I bought the probe and the limit swiches and so far it works fine. You will hear more from me tomorrow. have a nice day for now. Bert
Hello Shawn, First I want to say, you were right. I could now enter the 1 and 2mm bits. I also discovered what I did wrong. My laptop has been suffering from failure of certain keys (probably dust) for some time and that is why I now use a second keyboard that is connected to the laptop. I suspect and think that I have tried to enter the values of 1 and 2mm via the keyboard of the laptop and they do not work. So problem solved and I'll try to remember this. Thank you for your help and insight. Bert