Hello, I´m trying to connect my limit switches to my new black box and the pboblem I´m having is: The switches stop 2 times, when it touches and when it releases, can anyone help?
Do you mean that when the carriage hits the switch, it pulls back from the switch, then contacts the switch again? If so, that's what it's supposed to do to correctly home.
No, it stops as soon as it touches and it only moves if I click unlock alarm, then, when it releases the switch , it stops again
Increasing your pull off distance might solve this issue. What is your $27 value? If it's less than 10 try setting $27 to 10 and see if that fixes it. Alex.
As I said above, set $27=10. If that fixes it you can try reducing it until the problem recurs, then increase it slightly again. Alex.
You presumably have hard limits enabled, in which case that is normal behaviour - if a limit switch is triggered the blackbox will go into alarm mode - it thinks a limit switch has been hit (crash) and forces you to re-set everything. Alex.
Order yourself some better switches: Xtension Limit Switch Kit Low quality switches "bounce" and those are garbage that also doesn't last.
According to that screenshot, Homing is already enabled. But your switches did not clear when Grbl tried moving off them.