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Need advice on upgrading

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Darklink594, Jan 30, 2022.

  1. Darklink594


    Jan 30, 2022
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    So I bought this cnc off fb marketplace a couple years ago. The guy built it from open build parts. It uses belt drives for the x and y axis, and an arduino sends the code.

    How difficult would it be to convert it to lead screws, and give it some more height on the z axis? Also what are your guys thoughts on using a black box with the quick interface? It looks like It would really streamline everything and I wouldn't need an internet connection like I'm doing now.

    To give you an idea what I want to use it for. I mainly want to do guitar tops and inlay but I've found the belt driven system isint too accurate and leaves a lot of chatter in its cuts

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  2. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    I built an Ox like that using lead screws. You need to make custom plates which is much more complicated. Or replace the X, Z, and 2 Y axis with C-BeamĀ® Linear Actuator Bundle cut to the lengths you need. Then get 2 pieces of V-SlotĀ® 20x80 Linear Rail for the uprights for the gantry. Basically converting what you have into a LEAD machine. You should be able to reuse the framing extrusions, motors and electronics. Potentially you could also re use your Z axis, but it may limit your cutting height.

    The Blackbox and Interface would work well with it if you want to upgrade the electronics. Just make sure the stepper motors and power supply are within specs, or those may also need replacing. BlackBox Motion Control System
  3. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    #3 Giarc, Jan 30, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2022
  4. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    DazThegas did a great lead screw mod as well and I like how the X axis lead screw is up high out of the way and no 3D printed parts that I remember. Custom Ox Mods and he put all the parts in the resources section. Ox Upgrade Kit You could easily ut the plates out of aluminum with your existing Ox.
  5. Darklink594


    Jan 30, 2022
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    These are all really great! Thank you! I might try and combine the tall ox and the one from Daz so I can get more z axis. Or worse case I buy 3 of those actuator bundles and mount a new gantry. I'm still learning about how all these come together
    Giarc likes this.
  6. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    If you do the version Daz made, or any with aluminum plates, instead of recessing the bearings in pockets and using shaft lock collars for the lead screws, flip the plates around so the bearings would be recessed on the outside of the plates. Then instead of shaft lock collars, use Thrust Bearing so that the screws would be in tension. Then there is less chance of the screws "whipping." But if each axis is 1000mm or less, whipping should not be an issue.
    Darklink594 likes this.
  7. Darklink594


    Jan 30, 2022
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    I was thinking about it and the main reason i want to switch to a lead system is the belt driven style i have has a lot of chatter when it cuts so i don't think i would be able top cut the aluminum accurately. do you think it would be easier to convert to C beams like you said at first? it looks like there are more readily available parts to do it with. I might try and cut them out first though and do what Daz did and then add the tall gantry from the tall ox post
    #7 Darklink594, Feb 1, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  8. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    I think the Cbeam may be easier. It should just be all off-the-shelf components. Just look at the LEAD 1010 Build video to see what you need, or you can look at the CAD drawings. OpenBuilds Parts | OpenBuilds

    You should be able to repurpose the 2080 Y axis vslots for the uprights. And, if your X axis is a doubled up 2080, theoretically - if it is the right length - you could use it as the second X axis cbeam to make it similar to the High Z mod, or the 1515. You would need a couple more plates, but you already have the wheels (etc.). If it is a 2060, you could still do so, but you may need to modify a gantry plate.
  9. Darklink594


    Jan 30, 2022
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    looks like my x is a doubled 2060 same with the z axis. looks like I'm probably going to be making a smaller version of the 1010 and i can re use the motors and 2080 plus some screws. which is okay, It was a great cnc to learn on but I want something that can be able to do more what I want and be as accurate as possible. good thing I'm getting my tax return soon lol. thanks again for all the help, I'll keep you updated
    Giarc and Peter Van Der Walt like this.

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