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Unsupported... I know. Openbuilds Control, RP4, Ubuntu 20+

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Tim Waldvogel, Dec 22, 2021.

  1. Tim Waldvogel


    Oct 11, 2020
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    I am just going to start off by saying I am well aware that the raspberry pi is not 'Not Supported'. I am curious as to which aspect of the project is not supported though. Is it on the basis that its ARM or Raspberry Pi OS?

    I am here to make it more confusing by saying that I plan on testing out running control on Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi 4 now that version 20.XX is now official supported by Conical.

    I hope to report back whether or not control is working\running well on my Pi4.

    A few notes: To run UBUNTU, you really should have a minimum of the 4GB version of a RP4. It wont run on the 3B+ well at all for those looking to reuse their old Pi projects. You should also be booting it off a SSD via USB3 and not the SD card slot. With that said, this will only appeal to a certain subset of people that is already within a specific subset of people who are into DIY CNC machines, open source, and also likely cheap computer nerds.

    I am curious to know if anybody else has walked this path before me ? I am also interested in discussing these subjects further if anybody wants to jump in. Merry Christmas Everyone!
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Providing Linux tech support to the average user with little to no Linux experience. The Pi is supported, but we don't provide "technical support" for Pi users - just too hard for the average user sometimes.
    Thus we provide the instruction on the Wiki Installing on Pi4 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL Wiki with the disclaimer - those that can help themselves, can run it. Those that are better off running Windows to keep things simple, should.

    Exactly why we specify Pi4 on the wiki - Pi3 was just too slow. Even the Pi4 is still too slow if you plan on doing large 3D carvings etc - you may have to disable the 3D viewer from Troubleshooting > Application Diagnostics

    Craigslist laptops/desktops are cheaper than Pi's and more capable (;

    Lots, use the Search above :)
  3. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    I did have it running on my Pi4 last year, cannot recall any details of problems installing, which indicates it was not difficult.
    Since then the Pi4 has been repurposed for Octoprint so cannot look back at the setup.
  4. Tim Waldvogel


    Oct 11, 2020
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    I should clarify, not just curious about people running the Pi. The Ubuntu OS and Pi combination is what I was most curious about. I was unable to find anybody running Ubuntu on their Pi's for this purpose. Also since those instructions trust that youre piping in safe code from a trusted repository. I assume that repository is managed by one of our trusted users or Openbuilds, but you just dont know. No big deal, but Ubuntu is a much nicer user experience than RPi OS, and whichever computer I use will likely use Ubuntu or Windows 10.

    The Pi guidelines posted in that link were not working for the newer Bullseye version of Pi OS in my latest run. However, using the former Debian Buster Pi OS Edition seemed to work fine. I didnt put too much effort into troubleshooting it before I remembered Ubuntu was available now. During the process I managed to break my micro HDMI adapter and waiting on Amazon a couple days is my hold up and why I initiated some friendly discussion. ;)

    I specifically am trying to get this going and test things like the 3d viewer before throwing it on my machine before I buy a Mini PC for the project.

    Craigslist computers could be fine, but Im not planning on running an all in one or a big tower, and pickings are slim for something to fit inside my electronics enclosure. I could do a Latte Panda or something like that, but a new one is coming in March. I may wait for that to buy one to play with.

    Anyway. If anybody specifically has ventured into Ubuntu 20 and a Pi4 with OpenBuilds Control. Let me know how the experience was or anything youre having trouble with.
  5. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    sorry, yes, I was running Ubuntu 20 on the Pi4, I did not make that clear. The moment Ubuntu for the pi was out I had to try it, though I would prefer Xubuntu, and it did work fine with OBControl, and I don't recall any problems getting it to work. The latest Ubuntu (21?) has a lot of issues, I will be avoiding it for 6 months while all the problems get sorted out.

    The one thing to watch for (on all latest versions of Raspian at least) is that the wifi will fail unless you disable ipV6.
  6. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    The Wiki only gets updated when someone puts the time in to let me know what needs to change :)

    Review OpenBuilds-CONTROL/pi-install.sh at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL maybe run it step by step. Find and provide solutions to steps that fail.

    Then let us know, and we'd be happy to update the script to run on raspios, and ubuntu (if/else if needed to adapt to any differences between the install processes)

    We had step by step instructions initially, but even some "pi expert" users tripped over that. Copy/paste mistakes, skipping steps, etc.
    Piped script lowered that support load for us. Paranoid users are of course welcome to see OpenBuilds-CONTROL/pi-install.sh at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL
    David the swarfer likes this.
  7. Tim Waldvogel


    Oct 11, 2020
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    I supposed piping the script is fair to reduce support but allow people to use Pi’s. They probably don’t understand the implications of half the computer decisions they make. You can’t stop a person who just wants to get something done LOL.

    I just get my heckles up because I do internal IT support.

    I am having a heck of a time with a 4GB Pi and Ubuntu. I must have upgraded to 21 and forgot about that in my original post because they are right, it’s been horrible so far. My Pi’s CPU is pegged the entire time and the OS eats up 3-3.5GB of the ram available. My patience goes out the window and things start to crash. If I ditched gnome maybe that would change, I would buy a 8GB Pi 4 but it seems like Pi’s are gone until Feburary.

    I’ll keep experimenting and if I figure it out I’ll update the Wiki.

    I may launch Ubuntu 20 on my old desktop for now.

    Im trying to get some programming and my Macros setup for a 22” Dell touchscreen as a controller.
  8. sharmstr

    sharmstr OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 23, 2018
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    I'll admit that most of the different flavors of rpi os are beyond me. But for what its worth, there are several using the twister os on a 4 running control and are very happy with it.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  9. kth

    kth New

    Aug 15, 2020
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    Thought I would try out Bullseye and 64bit since the hardware is 8^)

    Confirmed install still working with a 3+ 2022-01-28-raspios-bullseye-arm64

    Only changes from the install script were updates from depreciated warning
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    npm install -no-optional

    GUI opens on the desktop, not the responsive on a Pi3 but I run Pi/Protoneer combo headless

    No runtime on it yet but don't expect any issues

    Connect via RDP (need to check connected with monitor and console next)


    ~20% by desktop no GUI not connected to serial
    ~10% by desktop no GUI connected to serial (by remote browser)
    ~40% by desktop w/ GUI
    ~20% by console not connected to serial port
    ~10% by console connected to serial port

    My stripped down version for running headless(no electron)
    ~4% serial not connected
    ~5% serial connected

    need to see if 64bit is more efficient as suggested or can just address more of it
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  10. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Feel free to send a Pull Request on github for an updated install script when you have it all ironed out
  11. siwhoaks

    siwhoaks New

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Hello, I got my protoneer hat working with openbuilds control on a Pi4 last year and it seemed straight forward- I think it was Buster, I tried a fresh install after the whole project got long fingered and this time around I keep running into issues, With Bullseye OBControl opens but wont see Hat and overall performance of the pi seems really slow and glitchy.
    I tried going back to Buster and cant seem to even get OBControl to open, I did get bcnc to recognise the Hat in the image from the Protoneer wiki but it has not been updated in over a year.

    How did you go about getting it to work with Bullseye?
  12. kth

    kth New

    Aug 15, 2020
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    The main thing you have to deal with is the serial port, there are processes that block it

    Here are the scripts to rebuild a new OS install to run like the Protoneer image - GitHub - Protoneer/RPI-CNC-Config-Scripts: Scripts used to setup a Raspberry Pi for use with the Raspberry Pi CNC board

    or you can just address the serial port and then pick and choose the software installs(don't run the node one)

    edit "sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt" remove "Console" settings. (Stops the logging of system messages to the serial port)

    cd ~
    git clone GitHub - Protoneer/RPI-CNC-Config-Scripts: Scripts used to setup a Raspberry Pi for use with the Raspberry Pi CNC board
    sudo bash ~/RPI-CNC-Config-Scripts/scripts/_RPi34-Serial-Config.sh
  13. siwhoaks

    siwhoaks New

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Im a big idiot-a massive one, but I guess writing my question out got my brain going and sure I solved this issue last year and forgot, Ive been using a working build on the pi4 all along- and my recent issues were all trying to get the same to work on pi3- no wonder i found it laggy. how many days did i spend to get to this point- embarrassing . thank you for reply and links- ill be no doubt back again in no time.
  14. kth

    kth New

    Aug 15, 2020
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    Good luck and let me know if you run into any challenges

    Yes, running the UI is marginal on a Pi3, I currently just use it for web serving and connect remotely.

    I have been looking for a Pi4 to give it a go if anyone has one lying around they would like to sell off 8^)

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